Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Closet

Funny. That's what I am feeling right now after signing into my blogspot account after 4 years.It has been awhile since I write ( blog ). I am not a good writer. Maybe that is why I find it hard sometimes to explain certain things, especially thoughts to a person in a structural way. I am not sure whether I'm a thinker but I do know that I think more than I write. ^_^ That's one of the few reason why I abandon my blog. :P

Have you ever try to find something that is in your closet which you haven't been using or even seeing it for a very long time but you know that you need it to help someone or even yourself.

Welcome to my closet :)
Through out my life, there are thoughts and lesson which I had learned. They have helped me in many ways through out my life. During hard times and even good times, they never stop coming. As the years goes by, I just keep storing them in my mind and you must be wondering "Well, isn't that good?" I have no problem with them keep coming in. The problem is, when I need them, I can't seem to find them or knowing that they are there. Well, the good thing is that I can find them when a friend needs an advice or an answer, which is good. But when I am in a situation, I am either being blinded by my circumstances or I'll just ignore them but most of the time I would go " Ahhh..why I never thought of that earlier?? " after when I am out of the situation. And when this happens, it might be late to regret about it.But of course, to those who agreed with me, our God is a gracious God! ^_^

So, I am trying something new . Some would called "to write it down" or "to record it" or "to journal it" or even" to blog it " but I called it " to process it ". The definition of process is "a series or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end" So, my end is that I would read my own thoughts and digest it so that I can remember them ( Hopefully!! ).Not just remembering them, but to digest them into my heart for most of the thoughts are God given. This would be a good reason for me to blog and by God's grace, hope that it will be a blessing to those who read it :)

BLessed Be!!

1 comment:

bridgeT said...


keep it up! u may not know someone will be blessed by u!