Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Untitled ( for the time being )

You are the reason that we live,
You are the One who made us sing,
This song of love.

You are the maker of this world,
You are the air that we're
breathing now. O'God!

So take Your place
In our hearts,
Make Your way through us.

We are Your hands and feet,
We are the ones You have called,
For Your kingdom comes.
Won't You send us out, Lord!

To the broken hearted,
To those who are weak and poor,
Let Your will be done,
Won't You send us out, Lord!

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? " Then I said, " Here I am! Send me. " -Isaiah 6:8- (ESV)

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