Sunday, October 11, 2009

Salt Without It's Taste Is Useless.....

Jesus talks about us being the salt of the earth. Jesus said " Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste,how shall it's saltiness be restore? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away.He who has ear to hear,let Him hear. " Luke 14:34-35 ESV

Why salt?? Us as salt??

Salt. An agent of change. No matter what, a dish without salt, it will be tasteless. Even tho, we only use a small amount of salt in our cooking, it makes a huge difference. Salt is also an important preservative. Salt were discovered in ancient tomb to preserve the Kings especially in ancient Egypt. And we also have salted fish...mmMmm.... especially having them in our clay pot chicken rice *drooling*

I can across Luke 14:34-35 last night. This verse is not new to me and I believe it's not new to many of us. It's also been recorded in the book of Matthew ( Matt 5:13,) where Jesus said that salt will no longer be good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.

Many years ago, when I came across this verse, I imagine myself being a salt. ( Hee hee...anyone wanna taste me?? :P ) I am salty, and I give taste to food and preserve whatever people wants me to preserve. Not bad huh?? I felt good about it and being useful to others. If I am a salt, I was made to be salty..and that was my purpose!! That's it!! That was my purpose.FULL STOP! I felt good that I am being use the way I am made and people around love to use me and tasting the delicious food that I give taste to it ( in a tasty way ). And on TV show (e.g Asian Food Channel ), Im being mention most of the time in almost all of the recipes..... "......salt and pepper to taste..." ^_^ I made people people happy and blessed!!

But then, Jesus said " but if salt has lost its taste,how shall it's saltiness be restore? "

At this point I imagine that I, being a salt that has lost my saltiness...:( Ohh no!!
Whatever food people us me with, it made no difference. To preserve?? Nope, I am not preserving anything.....* there goes the fish* ( No clay pot chicken rice tonight ...awww...:( )
Nothing....absolutely nothing!!! I am useless... tasteless .... and most of all..useless! So what now?? Jesus said " longer be good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. "

But of course, God made salt to be salty. That is the purpose why salt was created. To taste salty, able to preserve. An agent of change. That's it's purpose! After all, I can enjoy my claypot chicken rice. ^_^

God made us, humans. Just like "salt" we are created with a purpose. No matter what the purpose is,we are called to be like "salt", an agent of change in whatever we do and wherever we are. :)

When salt loses it's saltiness, it's like I lost my purpose.Living without a purpose.I will just do things as it goes, and listen whatever people tell me to do. It's like a cup being use as a flowerpot but not using it to contain water and we drink from it. ( I am not saying that we can't use a cup as a flowerpot wasn't the ultimate purpose that it was 1st created ).

I believe one of the common things that we are created is to be an agent of change for Him. I can imagine that God is the cook and he uses me ( salt ) to cook a dish. Like how He would use me to bring changes into the world. One thing I am amaze about God is that He chooses me to work with Him ..well..He's God right?? He can just bring change without using me.But He choose to use me.This shows to me that He is longing to have a relationship with me. Working side by side with us,a team and knowing that God is on my our side...hmmmm....I will not have to worry, right?? Yay!!

So, when I learn that I am called to be an agent of change,in whatever I do and wherever I am, I should be motivated and giving my best in it for I was created with a purpose. A purpose bigger than myself!! ^_^

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,giving thanks to God the Father through him." Collosians 3:17 ESV

Monday, September 28, 2009

Feel Again!!

"ANyone feels like GIVING UP? ANyone feels like your world is TUMBLING DOWN?? Anyone feels like you are USELESS?? Anyone feels like you are being LOOKED DOWN upon?? Anyone feels like you are too SMALL?? FEEL AGAIN...!!! "

The LORD is my strength and my shield;
in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exalts,
and with my song I give thanks to him

Psalm 28:7 ( ESV )

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Untitled ( for the time being )

You are the reason that we live,
You are the One who made us sing,
This song of love.

You are the maker of this world,
You are the air that we're
breathing now. O'God!

So take Your place
In our hearts,
Make Your way through us.

We are Your hands and feet,
We are the ones You have called,
For Your kingdom comes.
Won't You send us out, Lord!

To the broken hearted,
To those who are weak and poor,
Let Your will be done,
Won't You send us out, Lord!

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? " Then I said, " Here I am! Send me. " -Isaiah 6:8- (ESV)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Closet

Funny. That's what I am feeling right now after signing into my blogspot account after 4 years.It has been awhile since I write ( blog ). I am not a good writer. Maybe that is why I find it hard sometimes to explain certain things, especially thoughts to a person in a structural way. I am not sure whether I'm a thinker but I do know that I think more than I write. ^_^ That's one of the few reason why I abandon my blog. :P

Have you ever try to find something that is in your closet which you haven't been using or even seeing it for a very long time but you know that you need it to help someone or even yourself.

Welcome to my closet :)
Through out my life, there are thoughts and lesson which I had learned. They have helped me in many ways through out my life. During hard times and even good times, they never stop coming. As the years goes by, I just keep storing them in my mind and you must be wondering "Well, isn't that good?" I have no problem with them keep coming in. The problem is, when I need them, I can't seem to find them or knowing that they are there. Well, the good thing is that I can find them when a friend needs an advice or an answer, which is good. But when I am in a situation, I am either being blinded by my circumstances or I'll just ignore them but most of the time I would go " Ahhh..why I never thought of that earlier?? " after when I am out of the situation. And when this happens, it might be late to regret about it.But of course, to those who agreed with me, our God is a gracious God! ^_^

So, I am trying something new . Some would called "to write it down" or "to record it" or "to journal it" or even" to blog it " but I called it " to process it ". The definition of process is "a series or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end" So, my end is that I would read my own thoughts and digest it so that I can remember them ( Hopefully!! ).Not just remembering them, but to digest them into my heart for most of the thoughts are God given. This would be a good reason for me to blog and by God's grace, hope that it will be a blessing to those who read it :)

BLessed Be!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Beginning....lightstand4christ blog site was create today ( 12/04/2005). Hi, my name is Dennis Low, a child of God who are still growing and learning new things in life. I wouldn't say that I have been through alot... but.. enough to know that life is more than just itself and what the world say or portraits what is "right" is not always "right. I m staying with my mum and younger sister. My dad?? Well, he's with the Lord.. knowing he's there and sometimes I know he's looking down at me.:)

For the time being, I am a teacher in a kindergarden called " Juara Cerdik" or "J.C" for short.I have been there for about 2 years. It's more that just a job, where I worked and get paid and thats it. I learn lots of things from the kids, sometimes they can drive me up the wall... but theres always something to learn. Lets not go there for the time being yar?

It's going to be a major transition for me this year, coz I have completed my diploma and I am still deciding what to do. My passion still drives me into music,youths and rocking the world for Jesus,and of course, it's all because of Him. Him who gave life and purpose in my life, the driving force that elevate me to see beyond myself and of this world.

Should I just get a job like everyone else? or should I follow the path that drives me to live with a purpose and on the same time,wouldn't be ashamed of what people might think. (etc: Status?perhaps).Hmmm....?? Something to think about......

Well,beside teaching in J.C, I am also teaching guitar in a Music School,which is in the afternoon.( BTW... J.C is just on the morning session which ends at 12:45). I would love to write songs, songs bout "Life" :) My major struggles in this period, is discipline, financial management and not being responsible with things I have now ( which was given by God). I am going to work it out this year and ain t gonna to give up.:) The truth is,I'm someone who can give up easily.:P May God have mercy on me!

Thats for now.... sooo.... till... I blog again.... God bless....!!!