Monday, September 28, 2009

Feel Again!!

"ANyone feels like GIVING UP? ANyone feels like your world is TUMBLING DOWN?? Anyone feels like you are USELESS?? Anyone feels like you are being LOOKED DOWN upon?? Anyone feels like you are too SMALL?? FEEL AGAIN...!!! "

The LORD is my strength and my shield;
in him my heart trusts, and I am helped;
my heart exalts,
and with my song I give thanks to him

Psalm 28:7 ( ESV )

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Untitled ( for the time being )

You are the reason that we live,
You are the One who made us sing,
This song of love.

You are the maker of this world,
You are the air that we're
breathing now. O'God!

So take Your place
In our hearts,
Make Your way through us.

We are Your hands and feet,
We are the ones You have called,
For Your kingdom comes.
Won't You send us out, Lord!

To the broken hearted,
To those who are weak and poor,
Let Your will be done,
Won't You send us out, Lord!

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? " Then I said, " Here I am! Send me. " -Isaiah 6:8- (ESV)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Closet

Funny. That's what I am feeling right now after signing into my blogspot account after 4 years.It has been awhile since I write ( blog ). I am not a good writer. Maybe that is why I find it hard sometimes to explain certain things, especially thoughts to a person in a structural way. I am not sure whether I'm a thinker but I do know that I think more than I write. ^_^ That's one of the few reason why I abandon my blog. :P

Have you ever try to find something that is in your closet which you haven't been using or even seeing it for a very long time but you know that you need it to help someone or even yourself.

Welcome to my closet :)
Through out my life, there are thoughts and lesson which I had learned. They have helped me in many ways through out my life. During hard times and even good times, they never stop coming. As the years goes by, I just keep storing them in my mind and you must be wondering "Well, isn't that good?" I have no problem with them keep coming in. The problem is, when I need them, I can't seem to find them or knowing that they are there. Well, the good thing is that I can find them when a friend needs an advice or an answer, which is good. But when I am in a situation, I am either being blinded by my circumstances or I'll just ignore them but most of the time I would go " Ahhh..why I never thought of that earlier?? " after when I am out of the situation. And when this happens, it might be late to regret about it.But of course, to those who agreed with me, our God is a gracious God! ^_^

So, I am trying something new . Some would called "to write it down" or "to record it" or "to journal it" or even" to blog it " but I called it " to process it ". The definition of process is "a series or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end" So, my end is that I would read my own thoughts and digest it so that I can remember them ( Hopefully!! ).Not just remembering them, but to digest them into my heart for most of the thoughts are God given. This would be a good reason for me to blog and by God's grace, hope that it will be a blessing to those who read it :)

BLessed Be!!